Fred Logan has been named Johnson Countian of the Year by the Johnson County Community College Foundation. The prestigious award is given for outstanding civic leadership in the county.
In announcing that Mr. Logan would be the recipient for 2008, Foundation officials cited his work in behalf of education. Bank of Blue Valley president and chief executive officer Bob Regnier said, “His unwavering support of education at all levels has positively impacted our community for future generations.”
Logan was also praised for his civic leadership in the metropolitan Kansas City area. Johnson County Community College President Terry Calaway said, “Fred has a long record of limitless civic commitment to the metropolitan area, Johnson County, and Johnson County Community College. It’s a privilege for us to honor someone who works so tirelessly for the good of the community.”
Logan will receive the award at a black-tie gala that raises scholarship funds for students at Johnson County Community College Foundation.
For a complete list of Fred’s numerous civic activities and honors, please see his complete Resume.